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Why Zorro-Flow?

Because babies and their caregivers deserve safe and effective tools designed to assess kidney health!


An Introduction to Zorro-Flow

The Limitations of Today's Tools


  • Catheterization is associated with catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), which is a leading cause of healthcare associated infections.

  • Urine collection bags use adhesives NOT designed for neonates and may be harmful to small patients with sensitive skin.



Difficult to Use

  • Catheter-based solutions are difficult or impossible in patients with small urethras; as such, placement is often unsuccessful even after multiple attempts.

  • Urine output quantification with cotton and/or diaper weights is challenging due to contamination with stool and urine evaporation.

  • Collecting urine samples with cotton balls and other absorbent materials can lead to inaccurate tests due to protein absorption.

  • Urine collection bags fit poorly on small patients, can damage skin, leak, and are highly susceptible to contamination from skin and stool.





Poor Economics

  • CAUTI is a CDC healthcare-associated infection (HAI) measure.










  • Current non-invasive urine collection solutions can alter urine analysis tests which may lead to inappropriate medical decisions and delays in treatment.

  • Not only are CAUTI's associated with morbidity and mortality, they are a significant financial burden on the health care system and lead to reductions in payments from payers to hospitals.

  • Costs associated with hospital-acquired UTIs in pediatric patients are substantial and have been shown to raise total hospital costs to >$10k per patient.






  • Catheterization can be painful for small patients  and traumatic for parents.


Sources: 1. Foster CB, et al. Pediatrics (2020) 146 (4): e20192057. 2. Askenazi DA, Zorro-Flow® an external urine collection device for female newborn and small female children. Poster for PICAN conference 2022. 3. Harer MW, Charlton JR. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. Jul 2022;17(7):939-941. 4. De Mul, A. et al. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 17, 949-956 (2022). 5. Boohaker L, Halloran B, Wilson L, et al. Clin Chem Lab Med. May 27 2019;57(6):e134-e137. 6..Kaufman J. Br J Gen Pract. 2020 Jan; 70(690): 42–43. 7. Pellowe CM, et al.. Infant. VOLUME 3 ISSUE 4 2007. 8. 9. Hollenbeak CS, Schilling AL., et al. Am J Infect Control. Jul 2018;46(7):751-757. 10. Spencer JD, et al. Pediatr Nephrol. 2010 Dec; 25(12): 2469–2475.

The Benefits of Zorro-Flow

Finally, a non-invasive solution designed to be safe, effective, and painless...Even in the smallest patients!


  • Offers highly accurate urine output monitoring without the need for catheterization.

  • Designed to be highly precise, even at small volumes (+/- 1 ml).*

  • Provides a simple way to collect urine samples, without compromising the test as with cotton balls or absorbent materials.

Easy to Use

  • Collaboratively developed by physicians, nurses, and wound specialists to be effective and easy to use.

  • Designed to maintain adherence to patient to minimize leaks and reduce medical staff rework.

  • Designed to be placed seamlessly, effectively avoiding leaks while adhering safely to sensitive skin.

Safe, Effective, and Gentle

  • Uses silicon-based technologies engineered specifically for small patients with sensitive skin.

  • Developed under an IRB study in ~100 patients where all safety and efficacy endpoints were met (no skin breakdowns).

  • Patented design is ergonomic,  comfortable, and is offered in multiple sizes to accommodate a variety of patient dimensions.

Positive Healthcare Economics

  • Provides a non-invasive assessment of urine output to empower clinicians to diagnose acute kidney injury (AKI) early and prescribe appropriate fluid therapy.

  • Unlike invasive catheter solutions that are linked to catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), Zorro-Flow is an external system.

  • Can be used up to 24-hours, minimizing healthcare provider time and effort.

*Internal research. Document on file.

Healthcare Economics

Why is Early Identification of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) so Important?


A recent evaluation of data from the Pediatric Health Information System found that adjusted charges for pediatric patients with AKI exceeded $70k per case, 8% higher then routine hospitalizations.  Proper diagnosis of AKI is crucial in ensuring appropriate DRG coding and subsequent reimbursement.



>25% of high-risk neonates and infants in the NICU, CICU, and PICU develop at least one episode of AKI.



Without accounting for oliguria, 27% of AKI episodes are missed with blood creatinine screening alone.



Neonatal patients with AKI have >4 times greater odds of death, even after controlling for potential confounders.


Why is Prevention of Catheter Associated UTIs (CAUTIs) so Important?

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are a leading cause of healthcare associated infections and are regarded as hospital-acquired conditions (HACs), which can lead to a reduction in reimbursement.



Costs associated with hospital-acquired UTIs in pediatric patients are substantial and have been shown to raise total hospital costs to >$10k per patient.


How Does Zorro-Flow Help?

Safe, Effective, and Gentle

  • Provides non-invasive, continuous monitoring of urine output to empower clinicians to diagnose AKI early when oliguria occurs.


  • Offers a non-invasive option to catheter-based solutions for urine collection to help eliminate trauma and CAUTI risk.

  • Prompt diagnosis of oliguria is critical as it alerts clinicians that organ perfusion is compromised, allows for early intervention to prevent severe/sustained AKI, and directs appropriate fluid provision.

Easy to Use

  • Simple, effective, and easy to use design reduces hospital staff rework.

  • Indicated for use up to 24-hours, eliminating the need to replace urine collection bags repeatedly, weigh diapers, and cause confusion when diaper has stool and urine.

Sources: 1. Raina R, et al. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Jun; 6(6): e2317032. 2. Jetton JG, Guillet R, Askenazi DJ, et al. Front Pediatr. 2016;4:68. 3. Alten JA, Cooper DS, Blinder JJ, et al. Crit Care Med. Oct 1 2021;49(10). 4. Kaddourah A, Basu RK, Bagshaw SM, Goldstein SL, et al. N Engl J Med. Jan 05 2017;376(1):11-20. 5. De Mul, A. et al. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 17, 949-956 (2022). 6. Foster CB, et al. Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Reduction in a Pediatric Safety Engagement Network. Pediatrics (2020) 146 (4). 7. Spencer JD, et al. Pediatr Nephrol. 2010 Dec; 25(12): 2469–2475.

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